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UpCloud.com – Get started with $25 in credits on Cloud Servers

UpCloud.com - Get started with $25 in credits on Cloud Servers

UpCloud is a cloud hosting company offering an hourly billed infrastructure-as-a-service. Currently, the company provides services from data centers based in the UK, USA, Germany, Netherlands, Singapore and Finland. Experience next generation, faster-than-SSDcloud servers with a 100% uptime SLA. Deploy in 45 seconds using the simple but powerful control panel, the Restful API or any software such as Ansible, Go or Python.

Get started with $25 in credits => https://www.upcloud.com/matrix/

Cloud Features

+ Deploy in 45 seconds: All cloud servers are deployed with our MaxIOPS technology, allowing you to create and boot up new servers in just 45 seconds.

+ Linux and Windows support: Use one of the freely available templates, create your own from a backup or upload and boot from your own custom ISO. Your choice!

+ Snapshots and scheduled backups: Instantly create or schedule periodic backups. Using true snapshots, backups are created in a blink of an eye and can be restored just as quickly.

+ Server cloning: Easily setup a staging environment by cloning one of your cloud servers or storage disks. Convert it into a template and automate your deployments.

+ Control panel, developed in-house

+ Simple but powerful API:  Powerful API lets you manage everything that can be controlled in the control panel. Get started in minutes with one of open source libraries.

Cloud VPS Pricing

Worldwide Helsinki
Resource hour 30 days hour 30 days
CPU core $0.0112 $8.06 $0.0124 $8.93
Memory, per GB $0.0056 $4.03 $0.0136 $9.79
Backups, per GB $0.000078 $0.06 $0.000078 $0.06
Storage, per GB $0.00031 $0.22 $0.00031 $0.22
Templates, per GB $0.00031 $0.22 $0.00031 $0.22
Firewall $0.0056 $4.03 $0.0056 $4.03
1 Public IPv4-address $0.00336 $2.42 $0.00336 $2.42

Cloud Locations

Deploy and transfer your cloud servers between all data centers

  • Amsterdam, Netherlands
  • Chicago, USA
  • Frankfurt, Germany
  • London, UK
  • Helsinki, Finland
  • Singapore, Singapore
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6 years ago

use the below and get straight USD 50 as free credits in UpCloud.

UpCloud VPS
6 years ago

Another link for getting starting $25 to order your UpCloud VPS:

5 years ago

Use this link to start with $25 in credit on cloud servers.

Upcloud Promo
4 years ago

Another link for $25 credit (tested, new 2019)

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