VPS Hosting, Shared Hosting and Domain Offers

[Cyber Monday 2020] List of all Dedicated, VPS & Domain Deals!

[Cyber Monday 2020] List of all Dedicated, VPS & Domain Deals!

Black Friday 2020 is Over. However, there are still many good deals still running.

On this post, We’d like to collect every Cyber Monday 2020 Deals! ( Exclusive Deals on vncoupon.com ). There are big savings on VPS Hosting, Dedicated Server, Web hosting, Domain and other products

Cyber Monday 2020 Flash Sales (Very Hot)

  • Flash Sale – Order Direct Link (Virmach)
  • KVM / MEDIUM: $39/year / 8GB RAM / 100GB SSD / 2 vCPU / 4TB transfer => Order Link (SSDNodes)
  • $3/yr DirectAdmin Shared Hosting: 10GB SSD / 200GB Monthly Bandwidth / DirectAdmin / Location: Poland / Quantity: 10 / Promo code: LETCM2020 / $3/year => Order Link (Webhosting1st)
  • VPS 3: 2 cores / 4GB RAM / 80GB SSD / 2TB Monthly Bandwidth / Location: Poland / Quantity: 5 / Promo code: LETCM2020VPS / $48/year => Order Link (Webhosting1st)
  • 2020BF-FLASH-NVME: 1GB RAM / 2 Cores (AMD EPYC Zen 2) / 10GB NVME RAID-10 storage / 10TB monthly bandwidth @ 1Gbps / 1 IPv4 + /64 IPv6 subnet / Quantity: 50 / Location: The Netherlands / €20/yr or €37.5/2yr => Order Link (LiteServer)
  • 2020BF-FLASH-STOR: 1GB RAM / 1 Core (Xeon E3) / 800GB HDD RAID-10 storage / 15TB monthly bandwidth @ 1Gbps / 1 IPv4 + /64 IPv6 subnet / Quantity: 50 / Location: The Netherlands / €39/yr or €75/2yr => Order Link (LiteServer)
  • Xeon E5 (Sandybridge): Intel Xeon E5-2650 / 32GB RAM / 3TB HDD / 3TB Data Transfer / 4 IP Addresses / Location: Hong Kong / Quantity: 3 / $55/month / Promo code: E5-55 => Order Link (HostHongKong)
  • Flash Sale 80 GB: 80 GB SSD Disk Space / 5 TB Monthly Transfer / Unlimited Databases / Host Ten Domains / Free SSL Certificates / cPanel Control Panel / Apache /Nginx Web Server / No Cloudlinux / CloudNS Plugin / Offer Price:$20.99/year / Account setup as soon payment verified by team => Order Link (Visual Web Technologies)
  • Flash Sale 170 GB: 170 GB SSD Disk Space / 20 TB Monthly Transfer / Unlimited Databases / Host Unlimited Domains / Free SSL Certificates / cPanel Control Panel / Apache /Nginx Web Server / No Cloudlinux / CloudNS Plugin / Quantity: 8 / Offer Price:$26.99/year / Account setup as soon payment verified by team => Order Link (Visual Web Technologies)
  • E3 32G Dedicated Server: Xeon E3-1270 v2 / 4 Cores, 8 Threads (3.90 GHz) / 32 GB ECC RAM / 512 GB SSD or 2 TB HDD / RAID Card Not Included / 100 Mbps Unmetered or 15TB on 1Gbps / 1 x DDoS Protected IP (+$2 /MO) /29 IPv4 (5 usable addresses) /64 IPv6 / Location: Los Angeles / $53/month => Order Link (CloudCone)
  • 1GB E5v3 KVM VPS: 1GB RAM / 15GB NVMe disk space / 2TB bandwidth @ 10Gb/s / 2 vCore (E5-2690 v3) / 1 IPv4 /64 IPv6 / 20Gb/s DDoS mitigation / Location: Seattle, Washington / Quantity: 20 / $12/year / Promo code: bf2020flash-U7Z7MFJ4JV => Order Link (Spartan Host)
  • 4GB E5v3 KVM VPS: 4GB RAM / 60GB NVMe disk space / 5TB bandwidth @ 10Gb/s / 4 vCore (E5-2690 v3) / 1 IPv4 /64 IPv6 / 20Gb/s DDoS mitigation / Location: Seattle, Washington / Quantity: 20 / $36/year / Promo code: bf2020flash-LA59Y3Z2II => Order Link (Spartan Host)
  • 2GB RAM OpenVZ SSD VPS: OpenVZ / 10GB Pure SSD Space / 1xCore / 2GB RAM / 1 IPv4 / 1 x IPv6 (Additional free upon request) / DDoS Protected / 1Gbps Unmetered / Location: Los Angeles / New York City Metro / Jacksonville / Las Vegas / Quantity: 25 / $1.49/month or $15/year / Promo code: lebcybermonday25 => Order Link (DediPath)
  • Ryzen KVM VPS: Ryzen – 1GB Ram / 10GB SSD / 3.80Ghz+ 3900X CPU / Single Core  1 IPv4 Address / 1 IPv6 Address / Unmetered Bandwidth / Location: Texas / Quantity: 10 / $0.5/month / Promo code: VP4NAT6GP3 => Order Link (DataIdeas)

Cyber Monday 2020 VPS Deals

Virmach – Amazing Late CYBER MONDAY DEALS (NEW + HOT)

  • KVM-SPECIAL-512: 1 vCORE (Shared) / 512MB RAM / 15GB Pure SSD / 500GB Bandwidth / Up to 1Gbps Port / 1x IPv4 / KVM/SolusVM Panel / $7.00 PER YEAR => Order Link
  • KVM-SPECIAL-768: 1 vCORE (Shared) / 768MB RAM / 20GB Pure SSD / 750GB Bandwidth / Up to 1Gbps Port / 1x IPv4 / KVM/SolusVM Panel / $10.00 PER YEAR => Order Link
  • KVM-SPECIAL-1: 1 vCORE (Shared) / 1GB RAM / 30GB Pure SSD / 1000GB Bandwidth / Up to 1Gbps Port / 1x IPv4 / KVM/SolusVM Panel / $14.00 PER YEAR => Order Link
  • KVM-SPECIAL-2: 2 vCORE (Shared) / 2GB RAM / 50GB Pure SSD / 2000GB Bandwidth / Up to 1Gbps Port / 1x IPv4 / KVM/SolusVM Panel / $21.00 PER YEAR => Order Link
  • KVM-SPECIAL-3: 2 vCORE (Shared) / 3GB RAM / 75GB Pure SSD / 3000GB Bandwidth / Up to 1Gbps Port / 1x IPv4 / KVM/SolusVM Panel / $28.00 PER YEAR => Order Link
  • KVM-SPECIAL-4: 2 vCORE (Shared) / 4GB RAM / 100GB Pure SSD / 4000GB Bandwidth / Up to 1Gbps Port / 1x IPv4 / KVM/SolusVM Panel / $35.00 PER YEAR => Order Link

RackNerd  CYBER MONDAY is here! KVM VPS in 9 Locations (NEW + HOT)

  • 1.5 GB KVM VPS: 1x vCPU Core / 20 GB SSD Cached RAID-10 Storage / 1.5 GB RAM / 3500GB Monthly Bandwidth / 1Gbps Public Network Port / Full / Root Admin Access / 1 Dedicated IPv4 Address / KVM / SolusVM / LOCATIONS: San Jose, Seattle, Dallas, Chicago, New Jersey, New York, Atlanta, or Ashburn / ONLY $12.18/YEAR! => Order Link
  • 2.8 GB KVM: x vCPU Cores / 45 GB SSD Cached RAID-10 Storage / 2.8 GB RAM / 5000GB Monthly Bandwidth / 1Gbps Public Network Port / Full Root Admin Access / 1 Dedicated IPv4 Address / KVM / SolusVM / LOCATION: Los Angeles, Seattle, San Jose, Dallas, Chicago, New Jersey, New York, Atlanta, or Ashburn / ONLY $22.89/YEAR! => Order Link
  • 3.5 GB KVM: 3x vCPU Cores / 65 GB SSD Cached RAID-10 Storage / 3.5 GB RAM / 8000GB Monthly Bandwidth / 1Gbps Public Network Port / Full Root Admin Access / 1 Dedicated IPv4 Address / KVM / SolusVM / LOCATION: Los Angeles, Seattle, San Jose, Dallas, Chicago, New Jersey, New York, Atlanta, or Ashburn / ONLY $28.88/YEAR! => Order Link

GreenCloudVPS – Up to 80% off recurring! (NEW + HOT)

  • NVMe VPS, Storage VPS from $30/Year
  • Windows VPS form $45/Year
  • And Amazing Flash Sale

=> Get Deal Here

☃ LaunchVPS Cyber Monday 2020! Specical VPS from $12.40/year

=> Get Deal Here

☃ Nexus Bytes: Awesome VM’s on a budget price! (HOT)

Code: CyberBudget25
Applicable Payment Term: Quaterly, Semi-Annual, Annual
Valid till: November 30th, 2020, 11:59 PM (EDT)

  • Budget-2G: $5/month | $10.69/quarter | $20.25/6 month | $36/Year ($3/month) => Order Link
  • Budget-4G: $10/month | $21.38/quarter | $40.50/6 month | $72/Year ($6/month) => Order Link

SSDNodes: Drop Everything! Cyber Monday Sale Starts Now (Singapore / Japan Location Include! HOT)

The first offer of the day will only be available from 9 AM to 2 PM Pacific Time, so act fast if you want to get any $60 off all of our 3-year plans and free backups for life!

From 2 PM to 3 PM Pacific Time this Monday: For only 1 hour – $70 discount on 32GB plans + 50% extra storage and free backups for life.

From 7 PM to 10 PM Pacific Time this Monday: Last chance to get a 40% discount on all U.S. locations with 50% extra storage and free backups

=> Promo Link

  • KVM / MEDIUM: $39/yr / 8GB RAM / 100GB SSD / 2 vCPU / 4TB transfer => Order Link
  • KVM / LARGE: $59/yr / 16GB RAM / 200GB SSD / 4 vCPU / 8TB transfer => Order Link
  • KVM / X-LARGE: $79/yr / 24GB RAM / 300GB SSD / 6 vCPU / 12TB transfer => Order Link
  • KVM / 2X-LARGE: $89/yr / 32GB RAM / 400GB SSD / 8 vCPU / 16TB transfer => Order Link

☃ HostNamaste Cyber Monday 2020 Deals

  • VM Storage VPS US from $30/year
  • OpenVZ 7 VPS from $20/year!

=> Get Deal Here

ServerHub – Black Friday extend

=> Get Deal Here

Nexril – Ryzen 7 & Intel Core i9-9900K Dedicated Servers from Dallas

  • 3700X-64: AMD Ryzen 7 3700X / 64GB RAM / 1TB PCIe NVMe SSD / Location: Dallas / Quantity: 2 / $79/month / Promo code: BF20-GVDJ32 => Order Link
  • 9900K-128: Intel Core i9-9900K / 128GB / 1TB PCIe NVMe SSD / Location: Dallas / Quantity: 2 / $149/month / Promo code: BF20-RK0D4H => Order Link

FastMako – 60% on all VPS Root plans

HostSolutions – Cheap Norway SSD VPS starting from €1/month, up to 1TB SSD

  • 1 CPU / 512MB RAM / 10GB SSD (RAID 10) / 5TB Traffic / €1/m / Order Link
  • 1 CPU / 1GB RAM / 25GB SSD (RAID 10) / 5TB Traffic / €1.5/m / Order Link
  • 1 CPU / 1GB RAM / 100GB SSD (RAID 10) / 10TB Traffic / €1.99/m / Order Link
  • 1 CPU / 1GB RAM / 200GB SSD (RAID 10) / 10TB Traffic / €2.5/m / Order Link
  • 2 CPU / 2GB RAM / 300GB SSD (RAID 10) / 10TB Traffic / €3/m / Order Link
  • 2 CPU / 2GB RAM / 400GB SSD (RAID 10) / 10TB Traffic / €4/m / Order Link
  • 4 CPU / 4GB RAM / 500GB SSD (RAID 10) / 10TB Traffic / €5/m / Order Link
  • 4 CPU / 8GB RAM / 750GB SSD (RAID 10) / 15TB traffic / €7/m / Order Link
  • 8 CPU / 16GB RAM / 1TB SSD (RAID 10) / 30TB Traffic / €15/m / Order Link

SSDBlaze – Special VPS Plans

  • 8GB VPS: 3 x E5-2690 CPU / 8GB DDR3 RAM / 25GB SSD / 1 IPv4 / 1TB Bandwidth @ 1Gbps / Location: NYC (Real New York City, not Buffalo or New Jersey) / Quantity: 2 / Promo code: BF50Off3 / $16/month => Order Link

Cyber Monday 2020 Dedicated Server Promotions

HostSlick – Dedicated Servers (NL) – 35% recurring on Xeon E5-2643-V1-8GB-480SSD

  • Xeon E5-2643-V1-8GB-480SSD: CPU – Intel Xeon QuadCore E5-2643-V1 3.30Ghz, Turbo 3,30Ghz / Cores/Threads – 4 Cores, 8 Threads / RAM – 8GB / DDR3 ECC RAM / SSD/HDD – 480GB SSD / Port Speed – 1 Gbps / IP Addresse(s) – 1 / KVM/Managment – Yes / Location – Lelystad, Netherlands (EU) / Normal Price: 45€/month / COUPON: BF2020-DED => Order Link

Cyber Monday 2020 Domain Offers

Domain.com – 25% off Sitewide for Cyber Monday

Cyber Monday has arrived and our exclusive affiliate coupon code is live.

Coupon: MONDAYCRAZIES: 25% off sitewide on Cyber Monday.*

=> Promo Link

Cyber Monday 2020 Other Products Deals

☃ pCloud (Storage Cloud Service) – 80% OFF

Insane deal! Get 2 TB Lifetime Premium with FREE pCloud Encryption for a LIFETIME!  Only 350USD ONE-TIME PAYMENT

=> Order Link


Top VPS Packages Deals

VPS Provider Promotions
Virmach Huge Yearly Savings SSD VPS from $3/year
VPSDime 6GB RAM/ 30GB SSD VPS only $7/month
Hostodo NVMe KVM VPS from $20/year – 15% Off Extra
HostUS High Performance Ryzen KVM VPS from $24/Year in Singapore
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4 years ago

Please tell me which ones are good?

4 years ago

Thanks! Grab a vps from GreenCloudVPS

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