Deploy your Desktop anywhere, at anytime
Powered by VMware Horizon View®, start your DeskaaS on your computer, tablet or mobile to run your applications, create your documents or simply access media files!
DeskaaS Beta switches to Gamma! This service receives Gamma status and price will be 9,99€HT/month from then onwards.
Production Spec
- 1 core CPU
- 2 GB RAM
- 10 GB Storage
- 1 IPv4
- Admin Rights
- Unlimited Traffic
- 9,99€HT/month
- Windows 2012 R2
+ How to register and get $10 USD Credit from Runabove? please click here
About Runabove
Runabove is the innovation brand of the OVH Group. This is where you can discover, test, learn and prepare your projects based on new solutions available soon under the OVH Group brands.